Friday, August 1, 2008


Ryan as you know is a huge soccer fan. He is currently playing on a team on Saturday afternoons and Jordan is now involved in a league of his own on Saturday mornings. Ryan also takes a lot of time working with the Real soccer team here in Salt lake so between the two boys I stay very busy with soccer weather i am headed to watch one of them play or there is a game on the TV (which is pretty much all the time) I am truly turning into a soccer mom. Just wait until Carter gets started everyone better look out for the Latimer soccer boys. GO TEAM!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your new blog with us...I love love seeing those kids and hearing all about what you are up to. So you just moved into a new house? Congrats. I got your email and I want to post on our knot heads blog about your comment if you don't mind. I will have it up within the next month. I miss you D.

Elephants forever!!